
One Church, Three Structures

The Church of The Common Ancestor is the all-encompassing church body that is represented on this website. Public celebrations and rituals are performed under the name of our Church.

  • About Our Church: Modern science has found that all life today descended from a common universal ancestor. Similarly, all that exists in the universe is thought to have started expanding from a single point. Our church proclaims that the original, supreme, creative force of the Universe that has sprung all existence into being is what we refer to as God. Given that all beings in existence descend from God, all beings contain a portion of God’s essence within them, and are thus capable of engaging with the Divine. Because of this, there is validity in many different spiritual traditions, with common messages being found among different groups. We believe it is more logical to consider the beliefs of all, giving us the full mental and spiritual capacity of our collective spiritual development, rather than creating divisions and restrictions between us.

The Holy Order of The Phoenix is the clerical/ministerial structure within the church for those pursuing spiritual development, leadership, and holy orders.

Friends of The Spirit is the movement towards an open and egalitarian spirituality, which includes all those in the formal church community, and also those in the world who can be said to embody these values and be true Friends of The Spirit, by the proof of their words and actions.

Each of these structures are capable of performing their own distinct activities, while also having their roles in working together in the Church as a whole. While these three structures can operate semi-independently, they can all be said to be part of the church. Thus, they are three faces of the One church that we are a part of.


Rev. Jaime

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