In Christian and Gnostic traditions, rites that are central to each spiritual framework are called Sacraments. Sacraments are outward manifestations of occurrences in spiritual reality. Traditionally, these rites were said to have been instituted by Jesus Christ and the authority to administer them passed down by him to his apostles through the laying of hands; this lineage is the basis for Apostolic Succession. Some have also claimed to have received priesthoods through their own direct spiritual contacts; these are called Gnostic lineages. Some people believe these rites to have much older origins, varying from the Roman state religion to the ancient priesthood of Melchizedek.
In traditional orthodox Christianity, there are seven sacraments. These are Baptism, Absolution, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders, and Anointing. Other groups have had different ideas regarding sacraments, such as the medieval-Gnostic sect known as the Cathars, who usually only practiced one Sacrament (usually as they approached death), known as the Consolamentum. In modern times, both Apostolic and Gnostic groups seem to find value in having seven Sacraments, with different communities performing variations of the seven suited to their own frameworks.
Contact us below to receive the Sacraments (Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Absolution, Marriage, Holy Unction, Holy Orders)